Reported Crop Circles for the State of Indiana -

Cannelton, Perry County (June 17, 1964)

A recent re-discovery of an eyewitness case labeled a “UFO Landing” from Dale, IN from 1964 in Saucer News spurred a re-investigation by ICCRA members Jeffrey Wilson, Charlie Kiesel, and Roger Sugden.

A number of additional reports of circles from the nearby area have now surfaced leading to a number of interesting observations about the nature of crop circles and mysterious “balls-of-light” (BOLs).

Update: Thanks to Charlie Kiesel for finding this news clipping!


A .pdf report has been made available from a presentation delivered by Jeffrey Wilson based on the all the research material collected by Wilson, Kiesel, and Sugden, and of interviews of the eyewitnesses done by Charlie Kiesel. This report includes information on the Dale, Spencer County, Indiana crop circle, the Cannelton, Perry County, Indiana crop circle, the Huntingburg, Dubois County, Indiana crop circle, as well as additional historical material on BOL and "Mineral Lights" sightings in the area.

Dale, Spencer County, Indiana report

Crop type: alfalfa / hay

Sources: see report.


City / County / Date:


Page last updated on February 10, 2012

© 2008 ICCRA - Jeffrey & Delsey Wilson.